Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Quit!

After 7 months of self-abuse I have quit my job. I'm elated, I'm freaking out, I'm totally unsure as to what this means next.

I spent most of my working career doing some form of IT project management (except for this last job, which I marketed myself as such, but was not taken onboard to do such...) but went back to school to do something completely different. So why did I fall back into this career, that I didn't really like before I went to school? (I mean I liked the money, I liked the power, I did live SOME aspects of it, the ins and outs of getting a project out the door, seeing a really fantastic functional specification (sigh)) but those things weren't enough, and I went back, initially to get a MSc in Anthropology, focusing on audience identity in a museum setting and its relation to education. I then went back to get a PhD, which I didn't finish, for many reasons (and my horrible sentence structure is NOT one of them).

So now I've quit my job, and I'm at a crossroads. What next?

We've decided to take our child out of daycare so that I can take a more interactive role in her life other than getting her dressed in the morning and putting her to bed when I get home, showing her things about art, music, science and history before she has to go off to traditional education (I guess she never REALLY has to do that..but she does...really).  So I'll be doing that, and also taking steps to do the next part of my life. To really figure out what is best for me, for my family and for my career.

I've thought for many years about teaching. Will I be good at it? At what level? I've never pursued it because frankly, it didn't pay enough. And I grew up in a household that always thought if you can't do...you teach. But, I'm second guessing that. I've lived in the world of those 'that do' instead of teaching. And let me tell you, there are plenty of idiots who think they do...but don't. I'm tired of being a follower who 'acts' as a leader. I'd like to try to actually be a leader. To do something for others, and to lead, to actually lead instead of follow. So maybe I should be teaching. It will allow me to try something new, to eventually complete my PhD.

PS-Zara's hungry is alive and well. Zara's Brew came out this Christmas (to family members only). What's next? Well look for more at farmers markets...near me...

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