Monday, November 21, 2011

Getting Started

I've always told myself that I was going to start something like this, something that I could take ownership of, and be proud of. But let's face it. I'm lazy. And there's A LOT of social media out there to keep on top of. And I have a full time job. And a full time kid. Whew. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Despite this, lately I've been feeling like my life has been missing that something. Yes, there have been a lot of changes, having a baby, moving back across the pond, taking up a new job outside of my comfort zone, moving to a new 'city' that sucks, sleeping in the living room, not really having friends. As you can see, the list can go on and on. But I talked to a friend today, one that I've been meaning to talk to for awhile. Who I respect and miss immensely. She said 'sometimes you make sucky decisions, and you just have to stick by them, for at least a little bit, because really, you can't go back in time. Back to the Future isn't real. She's right. If it was, I think Michael J. Fox would have picked a more awesome disease, don't you? Actually, that's pretty horrible (but true right??)

Anyway I'm trying something new. Something I've been wanting to try. So I'm going to write about it. And you, my audience of no one. Is going to judge me. What is this new thing? Well, it's a food business. It doesn't really exist outside of my head and a couple of trial runs. But this is the space to write about it, and mouth vomit everything else. Take it or leave it. Zara's Hungry is born.