Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So now that I've become a SATM again I find myself exhausted, overworked and underpaid. And I have to say, I absolutely love it. It's weitd when you spend your adult life going, what should I be doing, feeling sort of lost and unsure of every career choice you make and then BAM, you know why you exist. I'm not saying that I find changing diapers my life-changing end all be all career. But I do love seeing my daughter everyday. Teaching her things and raising her to be, well, like me. It's inspiring when I see her get something, or to find out how much she loves art and to show her museums, and help her find new ways to be creative.

This time has also really given me the chance to figure out, what it is I actually want to be doing. I'm writing again, and feeling like a person instead of a automatron. I'm also starting to get some of my old habits that I didn't realize I missed, like making menus and cooking. I'm trying to do at least one creative thing with Z a day in order to keep both of our minds flowing. A couple of days ago we made shamrock cookies from scratch, yesterday we made smoothies. Today? Who knows! The possibilities are endless. Anyway, I guess more on this later, I'm hoping to post on this a little more regularly, as well as make this a little more focused (and maybe funny, we'll see if my humor actually comes out).

Friday, March 2, 2012

Last Day Looming

Today is my last day at work. Everyone is asking me how I feel and to be honest, I feel...bored. I'm putting in the time, but have handed over all of my work with my very last project meeting yesterday. So today I have...nothing to do. And you really wouldn't think it were so, but there's only so much web crawling you can do before you can't think of anything else to search for (or are just tired of looking at screen).

This evening I'll celebrate. We're going to pop some champagne and I may even make a quiche...maybe.

I've even planned out what Zara and I will do next week, and you can bet your bottom dollar it involves field trips! Art! Music! Making messes and playing in dirt. I'm so excited.

Stay tuned for more on my foray into my next career, I think I have a brilliant plan.