Monday, August 6, 2012

Back...after a long drought

So I have no excuse for not blogging except that I have a two-year old who is Bossy Bossy Bossypants. (I now know why Tina Fey named her book that).

Good news IS, I actually have been writing down the recipes that I have made since my last post and now, and will sort of do what I did before (a trend? Maybe) of posting several recipes at once. I WILL post pictures (I have surprisingly actually been taking pictures, I'm just working off two computers and a cell phone, so I don't have my shit together to upload them right now...but they're there, so it'll happen...promise.

I'm also thinking of maybe doing a video of some of the recipes to show you all how easy they recipes are, and how most of the time, my two year old is in the kitchen with me, often helping.

Goats Cheese, Leek Omelet.
So we have a friend that recently had a baby, her second, and totally to her credit she is rocking it. Making it look super easy (and might I add, making me feel even more like a super flustered mom...oops!) :-) I invited her over for lunch so our kids could play together, I could her baby and she I made the kids a quick lunch and wanted to do something quick, healthy and delicious for us, that I could cook in under 5 minutes including prep. I had bought some fabulous leeks at the Stephen's Field farmers market last week and wanted to use them before they got all soggy, so I washed and trimmed the leek and then chopped it up and separated (as that is how I like to eat them). I had bought a trio of goats cheese from Trader Joes (because I knew my husband would be traveling a lot this month and I LOVE goats cheese, and he hates it, so...yay for goats cheese!) which I decided to crumble into the omelet. I beat 2 eggs together, added a little bit of half and half, salt and pepper and put in the pan. It took about 2 minutes, I flipped it over diner style to get it nicley yellowey brown on both sides and served with a green salad. It was delicious, she said I should be a chef, my inner ego glowed, I told myself I HAD to start blogging more regularly. Then I promptly forgot.

 Potato / Onion Pizza.
This is a momma Mell-Taylor staple, I feel like I've mentioned this before, but no, I haven't. Okay, so refer to one of my previous posts for potato cheddar pizza. It's pretty much the same thing ( I obviously make a lot of pizza) I use store-bought pizza dough, although making pizza dough yourself is fairly painless, I just find that with Zara, I need the extra minutes not in the kitchen, and voila! Store bought is the way to go for me. So store bought dough. Work it with a little flour to stretch, I don't use a rolling pin primarily because I don't have one, but there is something about getting your hands into the ingredients and really feeling them, makes me love cooking that much more (and really, if I'm honest with myself, makes me love watching those I love liking the food I serve). So stretch out the dough to how you want your pizza to look, knowing that when you cook it, the dough will shrink a little bit (if you know how to not have it do that, PLEASE, let me know!). I then sauteed potatos and onions on the stove (which is different from before, but I wanted Z to help me stir) added some garlic, salt and pepper until  the potatos were cooked through. Cook the pizza dough with some olive oil for 10 minutes. I added some rosemary and had rubbed garlic on the dough before I cooked. Remove from oven, remove rosemary and added potato, onion mixture. Cook for 20 minutes until the dough looks pretty 'done' but not burnt. (Do all this cooking on a cookie sheet.) Remove pizza from cookie sheet directly onto the rack. Cook for 10 minutes. Take out of oven, then grate some parmesan cheese over the top, slice and serve.

Ginger Tangergine Curd Pie in a cookie crust.
Okay I know, this actually sounds pretty disgusting. Bare with me. My husband loves fruit curds. Especially lemon and key lime. Fruit curds are my least favorite dessert. Ever. Never met a fruit curd I liked. (And I am a dessert person). So when I came across Stonewall Kitchen's Ginger Tangerine curd at the Atlantic Spice company, I sort of did a double take. I like those two flavors...a lot. So I bought it (it didn't hurt that it was 25% off) and it sat in my cabinet. Then we were having people over for dinner, who were relatively new friends, and if you know me, you know I like to have all my courses covered when you eat at my house (appetizer, main, salad and dessert). SO, I was sort of flustered looking through my cabinet where I came across rainbow chip cookies that had seen better days and the aforementioned fruit curd. And an idea popped into my head. So I made a makeshift cookie crust. This is EASY, I actually do it everytime I have old cookies in our cabinet, which is surprising how often that is. We tend to buy cookies in bulk when Z decides she likes something, and then she is instantly over it, we really need to STOP buying in bulk obviously!  Anyway, you crush up the cookies (put it in a plastic ziploc bag, let your child crush it. Z LOVES it!) add some sugar, I tend to vary the amount depending on the type of cookie. This time, I added about half a cup of sugar, which I sifted through with a fork. Then I added about 3 tablespoons of melted butter. Stir together and then dump into a pie dish. Press down with the bottom of a spoon (Again, I like to use my hands and then my knuckles, because I like to feel (and test) my food). Put in the fridge for 10-20 minutes to let chill and set. Take out and I just added the curd right from the jar. Ghetto? Sort of. Amazing. Absolutely. DO it. Buy this stuff. It's amazing. I am a fruit curd convert (almost). And, no baking. Double amazing.

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